Pennsylvanians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (PADP) announces with sadness the passing away of Kenneth Lawrence Fox, the Vice-Chair of the organization’s board of directors, on Thursday, February 13, 2020. “Working alongside Ken has been a privilege for me,...

Go see Just Mercy and then TAKE ACTION!

Once you and your friends have seen this movie, they’ll want to join the fight to end capital punishment in Pennsylvania. Make sure to welcome them aboard. Ask them to share their name, address, and email address to to join the over 10,000...

Prosecution How Overzealous Personalities Drive The Death Penalty Capital Punishment in Pennsylvania DEATH-PENALTY STEWARDSHIP AND THE CURRENT STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA CAPITAL JURISPRUDENCE ABA Study Finds PA Death Penalty Flaws Innocence Carlos de Luna Proceedings of...

Death Penalty Is Arbitrary

The arbitrariness of the death penalty is one of its worst attributes. If the government is going to carry out capital punishment on its citizens, it should at least be consistent about it. Death sentences are influenced by geography, race, gender, wealth, and mental...